Sunday, December 07, 2008

'Twas a soggy Sunday morning...

Look at that soaked jacket! Trace was willing to just take anything!

This was literally just a few minutes after getting out of the car!

...when we chose to get our Christmas tree! The best day for us to go and it hasn't rained all week. The weather man predicted rain but did we dress for it? Nooooo. We were dressed for semi cold and possibly snow - not rain. What was I thinking? I guess our mid-west Christmas tree hunting is still fresh in my memory! Of course it didn't just drizzle, or maybe even intermittent showers - it was a nice steady rain from the minute we got out of the car. We kept reminding each other that we were making memories - were we ever! Rick eventually found our tree and cut it down. While he tied it on the car I got three kids out of soaking clothing and into dry stuff. The other two families we went with were no where to be found but we headed for home anyway! We did much better than last time though, at least this one fit in the house! It is standing in our living room drying out at the moment (not like we could leave it outside to get dry).
The kids were thrilled to go "into the wilderness" for their tree once again. They especially love getting to do anything with their older cousins! Christmas tree: $5, Gas to get Christmas tree: $15, traipsing through the woods soaking wet: Priceless!


Confessions said...

You'll remember it forever!

Jill said...

That is AWESOME! What a great memory. I love the last line in your entry! Priceless indeed!!