Thursday, September 04, 2008

Summer's final farewell...

Labor Day weekend I took the kids down to the beach for our last camping trip of the year. We mainly went so that on Saturday we could go to see the cival war re-enactment. My parents met me part way there and took the boys on to their motorhome for the night. So Paige and I had a night alone in our trailer. I can say two things about that, it was very quiet and very clean! It was also very strange. The next morning we met at the fort to spend the day. The boys loved pretty much everything about it. Caden, our little war hero, thought he'd died and gone to heaven. He is convinced that Rick needs to get a uniform so we can all do that every year! I'm not so sure the rest of us want to dress in period clothing and live like pioneers for a weekend though! Papa bought each of the boys a rifle and union hat and after that they took off to join a band of boys they had seen running around the park. They spent the rest of the day running around with about 20-30 other little boys who all had a gun of some sort. Half of the time we had no idea where they were, but they had, as Caden put it, the best day EVER! We later found out that they were in the "Indian" camp, on the battery (from WWII), and down by the river(yes, that would be the mouth of the COLUMBIA river - holy cow, maybe it's better we didn't know where they were). Once we were back at the trailer I got it cleaned up and out and ready to store for the winter and on Sunday we bid it farewell and went home to see Rick.

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