Monday, August 04, 2008

Take me out to the ball game...

Aunt Chris gets to take family to a Beavers game every year curtesy of her company. This year we were the lucky ones since we had just moved back and hadn't had the chance before. I didn't tell the boys until the day before though. They were soooo excited! We rode MAX which is Portland's above ground subway type system, something we had promised the boys we would do this summer. At the stadium we discovered that our seating area was literally right on the field! We were standing on the same turf as the players! Trace and Caden chose a table right in the corner against the Beaver's dugout. About half way through the game a man came over and slid a ball under the net to Trace. Trace was bouncing around with excitement but Caden, of course, was bummed. So we sent both boys over with instructions to stand there looking at them, acting like you're having fun, and politely asking for a ball. It worked! Caden had his ball too. By the time we got on MAX to head back to the cars everyone was pretty beat. We had a great time and really appreciated Aunt Chris for taking us!

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