Friday, July 25, 2008

Oh Happy Adoption Day!

Today was a both a big day and nothing big at all!  In order to get Paige an American birth certificate we were required to re-adopt her.  The adoption was legal and recognized by both countries November 13, 2006, but again we had to do this to get a birth certificate.  Had we chosen not to do this we would have had to take her abandonment papers and adoption papers simply to sign her up for school or soccer.  We felt that was a bit too much information for the general public!  So, today was the big day.  2:00 Judge Poyfair's courtroom.  Unfortunately the docket was full today and one family had over 30 people with them and another had 25!  We were packed into this tiny waiting area with at least 75 people and 1/3 of them were probably children!  Talk about noise!  We waited until 3:30 before being called in for our 10 minutes with the judge.  The kids were great under the circumstances and our attorney complimented them for it.  Paige of course was quite a hit and obviously the cutest one there!
Our little girly-girl!  Or as someone waiting in line at the courthouse said, "Miss Hollywood".  Paige arrived for her first (and let's hope only) court date dressed to kill.  She wanted "two ponies" she informed me as we were getting dressed, and insisted on three bracelets (two were the ones Rick chose for her in China so were extra special).  Before we left she gathered her purse complete with cell phone, toy car, toy bottle (you just never know), and sunglasses.  Oh the attitude!
After the proceedings were finished we all headed out to celebrate!  Rick and I were celebrating the fact that we are totally, completely, unquestionably DONE!  We chose to try out the Claim Jumper and were not disappointed - just stuffed!  With us are my parents and sister, Chris (one of Paige's favorites!).  It was a long day, but I am so relieved it is over!


Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

Happy Re-Adoption!

Anonymous said...

How cute...I bet she was a BIG hit with all her pretties on. Looks like you all had a wonderful day.
