Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Who knew Walmart could be so exhausting?

Two weeks ago I had some pretty major surgery.  I've recovered far better than I expected and I think I'm even doing better than average.  So today when I got my clearance to drive again I decided that a trip to Walmart was in order!  We took it slow and Paige pushed the cart while I steered it but apparently that wasn't quite enough.  After about 1/2 hour I suddenly felt like crawling onto the nearest shelf and taking a nap.  Unfortunately we were only about 1/2 way through the store and I still needed to get some things.  "Hurrying" isn't something I can do these days, so I just kept plodding along trying to remember what I needed.  Then I get to the front where apparently everyone in town was congregated!  I get the clerk who is in no hurry of course.  By the time I got to the car I was seriously ready for a nap.  So, this afternoon I took a two hour nap to recoup from my trip to Walmart!  Whew.  What a day.  It is good to be feeling better but I guess I have to remember that I still have a way to go!

In other news....
We bought a house!!!  Those exclaimation marks are sort of obligatory for that kind of announcement - not too sure my feelings match them yet though.  We have been looking for four + years (since we returned from Chicago) and for a number of reasons finally bit the bullet.  I think the main catalyst was a decision our school district made that suddenly made us feel that our kids might be better off in a different district.  Our current district also rarely passes bonds or levys and as a result most of the schools are in disrepair, Trace was literally using one of my old math books this year (not that math changes, but seriously that's 22 + years old!), and the technology and offerings at the high school are just not competetive.  So, we agreed to let Trace finish out 8th grade next year but the other two are switching in the fall.  If all goes well I will be able to get a job in the new district but that could be tough.  Back to the house though....  It is about the same size as the one we are in now with about 1/2 the back yard.  That's ok though since our kids don't spend much time in the yard anymore anyway.  There is room for the trampoline and there is a nice new hot tub already there. The boys are going to give sharing a room a try so that we can have a room for video games, legos, and my sewing.  I'm a little worried about how it is going to work knowing the boys personalities but I'm trying to be hopeful!  Other than that it is a newer neighborhood with a lot of kids around, it is close to our parents still, a bike ride away from shopping and close to great schools.  We move in three weeks.  Yup.  THREE. 1.2.3.  And I can't lift anything over 10 lbs.  Should be fun.  Hence the lack of excitement just yet!  Stayed tuned...

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