A couple of things you would not have heard me say this week...
Let's not worry about "doing" you hair while you're sitting on the potty.
Why are you wiping your nose on my arm?
You can go in the pool or take a shower - it's up to you.
We definitely do not refer to the pool as a white trash bath either!
If you do not stop crying this minute I'll give you a reason to cry!
Kool-Aid is not acceptable for breakfast.
No, you're not having pop for breakfast.
It's 100 degrees out you are NOT wearing jeans!
You are not wearing flannel pajamas to bed during a heat wave!
Do not speak another word to each other!
I also did not skip sun screening my boys out of pure laziness. Nor did I feed all of them noodles for dinner more than one night. I certainly did not completely forget to pick up Caden's friend on the way to VBS either.
It is summer. It has been unbearably HOT here! We've loved having house guests a couple of nights. The boys have worn themselves out every day at church camp. I'm stressed about buying a house. AC makes it much easier to sleep. House hunting/buying makes it harder. In summary, we are all pretty wiped out tonight and plan on getting to bed early! At the moment I'm also planning on doing darn near nothing tomorrow!
So, how was your week?