Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A little late but here's the birthday pics...

I actually took 61 pictures and had a really hard time narrowing them down. I'll post some of the others later.


Anonymous said...

we got your email, beautiful pictures - she is getting so big. So I am working on creating a blogg so that you & the other family out west will be able to see TJ as he gets bigger. It will be private, so send me your email address in a message because I believe comcast changes how your address appears in my mailbox and that is why I can't reply (that is just a guess though). Any of the other family that wants to see the page give them my email and have them send me their email address & I will add them to the page too. I will be coming soon, I am going to have to ask you for tips on making better. Hope all is well - give the kids hugs and kisses for us.

Love, Jennifer

Bailey said...

I absolutely love her two year old pictures. We just took some of Liliana. I cannot believe how much the girls are growing.

Miss you guys lots,

Bailey & Liliana :o)