Monday, February 13, 2006

I made a dress!

I have decided to attempt a few sewing projects and started with a dress for Paige. The dress wasn't so hard but the pants took Rick and I (yes, Rick) three days to figure out! I still say the pattern is wrong! I have the fabric for one more then I'm going to try one for myself (different pattern and fabric obviously!) The house has been a bit neglected lately in order to accomodate my new hobby but I'm sure having a lot more fun! I guess you could say I'm helping the boys build their character! (see picture below)
I am busy baking mini cupcakes and decorating them for Trace's class Valentine party. I suppose I need to do something other than sew, and blog!
The most current rumor from Spain (which are usually very accurate) is that referrals will be comming the end of the month. They say they will cover the rest of May and 1/2 of June. That is the people who were logged into the Chinese computers in May and June. We were logged in July 26. IF the rumor is true and IF they continue this pattern we should see a referral the end of April and travel in early July. Those are some pretty big if's though so we just wait and see I guess!

1 comment:

Georgia said...

Hi, I found your blog by doing a search for referral rumors. I had read on another blog about Spain's rumor and was hungry for more! How do you hear about Spain's rumors? Do you follow their blogs? And if so, how? Thanks for any info.

Good job on the dress, btw. And I think its wonderful you got rescued kitties. I have several myself.
