Um, working, shopping,
on facebook, shopping,
napping, working. Notice there is no 'cleaning house' on that list - hmmm. All you have to do is look around this house to see that it clearly wasn't on the list - any list. Every single year I make mental plans of all the things we are going to do durning the Christmas Season. Gingerbread men, sugar cookies, sledding at the mountain, ice skating, hot chocolate and Christmas movies. You know, the real Currier and Ives type things. I pledge not to be hurried or frazzled but to instead create wonderful memories for my children! I'll have time to play carols on the piano and wrap gifts in front of the fire place. Most importantly, I'll have the time to sit in front of the Christmas tree, in the dark, and contemplate the real meaning of Christmas. Doesn't it sound wonderful?
----- insert screeching sound-----
It's pouring rain (literally. pouring); the gifts are half wrapped and the paper and trappings are strewn across my living room; no cookies have been baked -none. nada; the teacher's gifts are being rapidly thrown together at the last hour; the piano is buried; and the snow melted on the mountain the day before our scheduled trip (seriously
So much for Currier and Ives. Somehow, mysteriously, Christmas will still arrive. And somehow, magically no one will care just how it happens. That is the beautiful thing about Christmas - it comes. Somehow or other it comes just the same.
So here is a picture of little miss fancy pants all dressed up for her grandparent's 40th anniversary party. Since it is unlikely I'll be getting to the Christmas cards this year - I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!