Monday, August 30, 2010

Family Reunion and the end of summer…


The end of August is family reunion time.  We drove a few hours into the mountains to my dad’s family reunion first.  While most of the family camps, we usually only go for a day.  This year we arrived in time for the boys to leave with some cousins and two aunts for a hike.  I am soooo glad I decided not to join them!  We had a blast like we always do and didn’t get home until late that night.45907_1431207133662_1037386758_30985704_1621574_n45046_1431205733627_1037386758_30985692_2669736_n40301_1431206813654_1037386758_30985699_3241166_n

The next reunion was Rick’s mom’s family up North.  The kids got to run around and play guns with several other boys.  Before heading home we stopped off to ride the train at one of the cousin’s houses.  The kids look forward to riding the train every year (even Trace).    

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Cruz is 3 months old already!  I can’t believe how big he has gotten – and so much fun.  P1070538-2-6-9

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Summer Fair

Sorry about the picture quality!


The kids all look forward to the fair every summer!  They anxiously count down the months/days!  While Rick took the boys to spin themselves crazy on unlimited rides, Paige and I spent some time checking out the animals.  I was amazed at how long she wanted to sit and watch the horses!  Her favorite was the brown one. The sheep and goats were fun too.  I think she found the rabbits rather funny – the ones who’s faces you couldn’t even see especially!  In the evening my parents met us just outside the gate to pick up the kids.  Then Rick and I got a little dinner and wandered the commercial building together.  All in all a fun day!  Until next year…P1070408-2  


Sunday, August 08, 2010

The ‘ole barn at the beach…


I decided to brave it and take the kids to the beach myself this weekend.  We set out with few expectations other than, well – to have no expectations.  Saturday we awoke to rain.  Rain that didn’t let up all afternoon!  The kids did puzzles, fought, played games, bickered, snacked and argued.  I read a little and played referee a lot.  After a few hours of that fun we decided to make a run in to town and play a few arcade games (along with everyone else in town!).  By the time we got back to camp the rain had let up enough to allow us time to build a fire to cook dinner.  Potatoes baked in the fire, hot dogs and giant marshmallows.  The fire was slow to start and quick to burn out, but lasted long enough to sustain us!  Around 2:30am I was awakened to Caden moaning in his bed, “No.  Nooo.  Nooooooooo!”  Followed by some sounds I’ll leave to your imagination!  After literally opening the door and tossing his sleeping bag out, we finally managed to get back to sleep.  Sunday morning I was in no mood to hang around.  We picked up, cleaned up and headed out before noon.  Along the way home I stopped to get a few pictures of the kids – technically this year’s school pics.  Well, Caden has been in a mood lately and really wasn’t having any of it.  So I’m lucky that I got what I did and we’ll just have  to try again another time!  Tonight, we are home, in our nice warm and reasonably clean beds!  Not too sure when I’ll be up for that again!P1070334-2-3-9P1070336-2-3-9P1070325-2-3-9