Wednesday, September 05, 2007

In our arms as long as another's...

Our beautiful baby girl has passed two important milestones almost simultaneously. She turned 18 months old and has now been with us longer than she was in China. We are constantly amazed at the changes. She's finally starting to really try talking and says mama, dada, please, no, apple, bye bye, sit and night night all pretty clearly. There are a bunch of others but they can only be interpreted by us! She has started nodding her head yes also. Paige loves water. The bath, the shower or a pool. I never shower alone any more. One morning I was rinsing my hair when I felt a little hand on my leg! Guess who had joined me?! She knows where the crackers and cereal bars are kept, has been successful once on the potty, uses a fork and spoon like a pro, puts things in the garbage, gets a diaper when asked, and loves to scowl at us just to get a laugh! Such a joy she is to our family! In a couple weeks we will also be remembering the day one year ago when our long wait finally came to an end. The day we found out who our daughter was! We thought we waited a long time but in the last year China has only gotten through 4 months! In other words we were logged into the China system July 26, 2006 and they have now assigned babies to families who were logged in up to November 25, 2006! I am so grateful for God's timing and how perfect Paige is for our family.

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