Wednesday, July 26, 2006

It's Black Wednesday

Today is our one year anniversary of our LID (log in date). That is the date we were officially entered into the computers in China and officially 'in line'. At the time we were sure we would be home by Easter. Now we are praying to be home by Christmas. It has been a tough year. Yesterday the rumors were sounding more positive and I was feeling a little more optimistic. This morning I woke up to find out that referrals have been sent (known as a Stork Alert) and the cut off date is July 13th. I've been pretty down today. I was really hoping they would go at least a little past the 13th so that we could feel confident that we were in the next batch. As it is, we THINK we have a pretty good chance of being in the next batch. We just have to sit around on pins and needles waiting. The reliable rumors will probably start in about two weeks. As I said, I've been pretty down. Rick and I went and got re-fingerprinted for our state background check today. It is the first step in re-doing our I171H (immigration paperwork). We were really hoping to avoid having to re-do it, but since it expires November 12th and at this point we won't be traveling until at least the first two weeks of November, our agency felt it would be cutting it too close for comfort.
On a happier note. IF we are next, we would expect to hear from our agency around the second to last or last week of August. They will have her name, birthdate, and city of birth for us. The next day they will overnight a whole packet with pictures and a health history. We then fax back our acceptance and then wait for travel approval from China - usually about 3 weeks right now. Two weeks after that arrives we leave for China. There are trade fairs in China in October which will severely mess up our travel and probably bump us to an early November travel. I'll definately keep everyone posted though!


Anonymous said...

We have been thinking about you and your family. We was very sad to hear that the CCAA only got through to July 13th. On the bright side, it will be cooler in China when you travel and this year you will get to be thankful for your new daughter, Paige! Please keep us posted.

Steve, Karin & Maverick

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