Thursday, March 31, 2011

It just seems so wrong...

I don't have any pictures to post! What is the deal with that you ask? I'm blaming it on the weather - which has been nothing but crap forEVER! We had 30 straight days of measurable rain and I am so sick of it I could scream. Me and everyone else. So without getting outdoors and just feeling generally gloomy I haven't been inspired to take any pictures.

But, for the few of you who still bother to check in here...
We are doing well. The kids are keeping busy but without any Spring sports it does feel a little strange. I'm not complaining though - Fall is just around the corner! Caden finally got a 100% on his spelling test this week and earned an ice cream date with Mom. He was SO proud and rightly so. We have tried everything to help him to just pass a test so the perfect score was particularly exciting. Trace has to bring his math grade to an A in order to earn the same thing. He is at a B- right now so it isn't too far to go. Paige is just doing her preschool thing and growing socially everyday. Kindergarten won't know what hit them!
Rick and I are also pretty much the same. Rick is flying quite a few hours which is helping us save for our Disneyland trip this summer! I'm still working with the special-ed preschoolers and enjoy it most days. Some days can definitely be a challenge though. There is a chance I'll have a permanent position next year which would be so much nicer than spending the summer wondering whether or not I'll be working.
Well I guess that's it for now. Time to vege a little before heading up to bed....

Friday, March 18, 2011


We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a trip up to the mountain with the boys. Trace has been dying to show us his new found skills on the slopes for a few weeks now and Caden just couldn't wait to try it out. We pulled the boys out of school a little early and made it up to the mountain by 3:00. We skied until 7:30 then headed home! Caden absolutely loved it and was up and moving right away. After an hour or so on the rope tow he was bugging me about going on the lift - so I took him! Without falling we made it to the top and he was off. The only issue we had was that Caden wants to point his skis straight down and just go. He kept telling me he wanted to go faster! The problem? He didn't want to learn how to stop or turn! Little Daredevil!

Yes, that is Caden (the little red dot) flying straight down! Look at that view with the mountain in the background! It was a beautiful day.
As expected, Trace amazed us with his with how quickly he has picked up the sport. I easily forgot that he had only been up once before! We enjoyed a couple of runs together which was a lot of fun. Again, look at that scenery! Wow.

Monday, March 14, 2011

It's been a looooong day..

Trace and I started our day about 4am! We had to be at the school by 4:45 so that the unicycle team could be the live feature on our local morning news. It was a pretty exciting morning for all of the kids and they did a great job too. After two hours of filming the kids went on to school and I went on to work. This afternoon I napped for a couple of hours and when Trace got home he slept for 3 hours!

The team with "Coach" Mr. White (in black) and Drew Carney from the news on Mr. White's right. Trace is directly in front of them with his head right between their shoulders.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Finally got a couple…

We had a day with no rain and all the stars lined up so that I could take a few birthday pictures of not only Paige, but Carson too!  Carson just turned three.  We also had another friend’s little boy with us.  Got a few great shots!P1090209-2P1090145-3

