Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The QUESTIONS this kid asks!

Caden and I read a book on the titanic the other night. So, of course, we then had to get out the globe and plot the course they might have taken and guess where the accident might have been (I was amazingly close by-the-way). Then we had to figure out how many people survived and how many didn't and discuss what we might have done to survive (Caden would have climbed onto an iceberg since they were apparently all over). Of course there was the discussion about whether or not artifacts should be brought up or left as a memorial and then there was Caden's final idea. He decided that someone needs to invent a dome that they can drop down over the wreckage so people can go in and see it.

Tonight we finished a short little book on the Civil War. What was I thinking? That led to a half an hour of questions and discussion: What if a black family was looking at Christmas lights and someone called the police - why can't that happen to a white family(?), who thought of making black people slaves in the first place(?), why didn't they fight back and go back to Africa(?) and here's one every nine year old asks; what if it was the other way around and white people were the slaves and black people were in charge?

Criminy, this kid keeps us on our toes! His mind! It just works unlike any I've ever known...

(This is how he organized his Legos while playing with them one afternoon.)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Doesn't everybody do this?

That would be major yard work in January? And not just any January, but one of the wettest in a long time and in which most of the area rivers are cresting their banks! Yeah, there is flooding everywhere and our yard is a swamp and these poor guys have to go out there and dig it up and try to make it not be a swamp - while it is raining. Paige looked out and said, "Mom! Those guys are really dirty!" They did keep us entertained today though and presumably will for a few days yet to come. I just hope, for their sake, the temperatures stay warm!

(Sorry about the picture quality. I took them from inside and didn't want the guys to see me!)