Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Redneck reunion

So how many of you have gotten to family reunion by traveling 12 miles down a gravel forestry road? Probably not too many! Well, to be fair it wasn't completely intentional. We did see the road closure signs. But we were sure that either a) our destination was closer than where the road closed or b) we could probably get through. I guess not. So the better of our two options was to take the twelve mile, gravel, logging road. Or so we thought. I must say though that not only did we create a new memory for the kids but we all got a lot of laughs that afternoon!

One portion of our unplanned scenic drive.
THEN we arrived at the reunion itself. It was in a tiny little town pretty much in the middle of nowhere. (don't ask why, we won't go there) The town happened to be having its annual celebration! We were just in time for the main event! The lawn mower races which were happening right beside the campground! We were unable to find anyone from the reunion until we went searching through the crowds lining the banks beside it. Our family does know how to have a good time now!
Of course the campground that was chosen for the occasion was an interesting place itself. Pretty much in the heart of town and had probably once been just a small regular park. Then because of the events they decided to stack the trailers in so they were doubled to campsites! Wow, that was good planning wasn't it?
The kids did have fun at the big playground with some of their distant cousins and taking a whack at the pinata. Even Trace was laughing at the crazy family by the time we went home! You see we have a self titled "wagon-master" in charge of events. And I do mean in charge. She is older but not that old and yet still pushes her walker around and tries to control everything. We were instructed to eat dinner - get a group picture taken- then have dessert. Well, the dessert was just sitting there and of course no one wanted to wait. So people were sneaking over and helping themselves. Once the "wagon master" discovered this she was of course not happy. We watched her covering up the food while holding onto her walker with the other hand. Then as soon as her back was turned it was like soldiers in an ambush as everyone scurried over, quickly grabbed something then hurried back to their table to eat with their hands protectively guarding their precious goodies. Apparently the "wagon master doesn't quite have the control she thinks she has! It sure gave all of us a good laugh though.
And finally, what campground is complete without a pet horse in the middle of it? Now, most people bring their dogs and a few even bring cats but this has to be a first for me to see a pet horse tied up behind a trailer! When Paige went over to visit is gave us a loud whinny as if to say she was a bit busy with lunch. After that Paige just thought it was a noisy horsey. And, well, I guess I can't really call it a redneck family reunion if I don't admit that it was a member of our family that owned the horse. Enough said.

1 comment:

Jill said...

WOW! That sounds awesome! That is all I can come up with to say...