Sunday, January 04, 2009

So what have we been up to?

Well judging by the pictures, not much. And pictures don't lie. Since we've been home and essentially housebound for almost three weeks I've gotten into baking a few new things. So far they were all a hit. Some oatmeal/strawberry jam cereal bar type thingies that were wonderful. Then I got the great idea to try out bagels. I found a very explicit web site and found it wasn't all that difficult. I don't think my water was warm enough for the yeast though and they came out a little heavy. Oh-well no one complained! On Friday I obtained a recipe from someone in Illinois for Gooey Butter Cake. I remembered loving it there but had forgotten just how much I loved it! From what I understand it is a mid-western favorite and wasn't something I'd ever had until moving to the Chicago area. Well let's just say that my tongue is now burnt from my impatience and unwillingness to wait while it cooled! My birthday is in another week and I think that is what we will be having. Both boys have requested it for their birthdays (9 & 10 months away), and my dad has suggested it for his in March too.
I've also had the time on my hands to play a little with Paige's hair. Of course that happens when you don't get showered until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. This picture is a little dark but she had double French (fry) braids with matching bows at the base. Pretty cute if I do say so myself!
School starts tomorrow (Yipee!!!) Of course it would have to start snowing again this evening. I told the boys that I would personally drive them to school in the morning whether it was cancelled or not! I swear I've never seen it snow so much around here in my life! Enough already!
So what have YOU been up to? Send me and e-mail or add a comment... please.


Bailey said...

OK, so where is the recipe for the Gooey Butter cake? It sounds so good, and yet so bad!

Stacy said...

Gooey Butter cake??? Yum! I agree cough up that recipe, PLEASE :)

We have been up to a lot of the same kinds of things... just hanging out playing a little in the snow, making lots of different train tracks, teaching Max games - candyland and Don't Break the Ice, etc.
Our snow from last night didn't stick so Eric was back to school... sigh. I was just getting used to having him around all the time :)

Jill said...

I have never had Gooey Butter Cake and have lived in Illinois my whole life!! You will have to get me the recipe! We have been crazy busy, went to Nebraska for 10 days over Christmas. Jordan is busy with wrestling. They finally went back to school today, but Brandon is sick, so he is home. Ken is at the dr. as I type, and will hopefully be discharged and back to working on Monday! We are pushing for a transfer to Florida, though. We have had it with the cold, snow, etc. I will try and call you soon!

Jill said...

Ok so how many requests for the recipe do you need before you share it?! Bagels...I am very impressed! Paige's hair is way cute, good job! What did you give her to keep still for you for so long? We need to get together soon!