Friday, November 23, 2007

Gobble, gobble, gobble

We had a very laid back Thanksgiving this year. Originally the plan was to spend the day with our neighbors but things changed and we were on our own. So we rented some movies, fixed dinner and just hung out together. Caden had a lesson in turkey carving 101 with Daddy. Trace helped me get out our good china for the first time ever. It has been on our closet shelf (one after the other) since the day we got married and never used! I decided that I couldn't figure out what I was saving it for so out it came to make our day special. Of course with all the "must-have" foods we had more than two families of five could have eaten, but everyone had a favorite and I didn't want to skimp just because we were by ourselves.

Trace has been dying all week to go shopping Friday morning. I think he was convinced maybe they'd be giving away PS2 games or something. He managed to talk me into going out but not before 7am! There is nothing I wanted that badly! We managed to get Paige's large item and I told Trace he can't mention it to Caden because I might be helping Santa out by getting it. That confused him a little as to why Santa would need my help and how he talked to me. I just gave him my standard answer, "I don't know, some things we don't ask questions about." I also managed to get a few other items including a big one for Rick and one Trace has wanted for quite a while that was a really good deal. Rick went back out with the boys a little bit ago and I think I'm going to put Paige down for a nap and start putting up decorations. Next weekend we'll probably be getting the tree up! 'Tis the season, only 31(?) days left until Christmas.

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